OWNERS: John and Jane Doe
Business Name: ABC Daycare
Address: 123 Main St.
City, State, ZIP: Anytown, USA
Telephone: (123) 456-7890
Cell Phone: (123) 555-9374
Fax: (123) 456-7891
I. Table of Contents [page 1]
II. Executive Summary [page X]
III. Business Description [page X]
IV. Market Analysis [page X]
V. Marketing Plan [page X]
VI. Operations and Management Strategy [page X]
VII. Competitive Analysis [page X]
VIII. Development Plan [page X]
IX. Financial Statements [page X]
X. Attachments [page X]
ABC Daycare will provide a stimulating and safe environment for
children ages three months to ten years. Run by a former elementary
school educator (Jane Doe), ABC Daycare will be the fun, affordable
alternative to the cookie-cutter daycares on every corner. By focusing
on an environment that provides hip, modern education and entertainment
for the children, ABC Daycare will stand out from the competition still
stuck in the rut of playing “Duck-Duck-Goose” every day.
Our customers will be cutting-edge moms and dads who care about giving
their children an opportunity to grow and advance in a fun, fast-paced
setting. We intend to market via social media outlets, such as Facebook
and Twitter, as well as at some of the independent coffee houses in the
area. Yoga studios and the local farmers’ market will also be an ideal
setting for our marketing campaigns.
We are seeking an initial investment of $30,000. This would cover the
startup costs of books, arts and crafts supplies, and toys, along with
the cost of securing the location and obtaining the proper permits and
The child provider industry is one that is always in high-demand, since
people will always be procreating, and will always need someone to care
for their children. We will providing that service to our clientele, in
a small, intimate setting that is appealing to parents who have to
separated from their children. No parent wants to think of his/her
child being just one of the many in a crowd of children, none of whom
gets the attention he/she deserves from the childcare provider.
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