Business Plan Templates
Bowling Alley Business Plan template

Sample text from Bowling Alley Business Plan:

1.0 Executive Summary

This business plan for [COMPANY NAME] projects factors such as sales, cash flow, balances, net worth, and profits for the next 3 years of business. The plan incorporates $1,800,000 sought in funding and shows how those funds would be put to use and their direct effects on the profitability of the company. These funds will be used for necessary equipment, employees, and renovations that are vital to the continuation of [COMPANY NAME]. This plan also explains the various marketing and sales strategies that are currently in use as well as future methods of marketing and sales.

1.1 Objectives

[COMPANY NAME] is seeking $1,800,000 in funding in order to hire 5 new employees, purchase new lanes, continue the facility's maintenance, pay off any existing debts, and expand the redemption center. Hiring 5 new employees will accommodate for the expansion projected within the next 3 years and will allow us to keep up with our growth. New lanes must be purchased within 4 years, as the lanes currently in use will need to be replaced due to wear. The expansion of our redemption center will make use of space that is not currently utilized for business.

1.2 Mission

[COMPANY NAME]'s mission is to provide the cleanest, best maintained facility that focuses on customer service above all else.

1.3 Keys to Success

The keys to success for [COMPANY NAME] are increased advertising, reputable service, and community involvement. Our reputation for quality service is already well established among [CITY] Bowlers who know of [COMPANY NAME], but it is crucial to perpetuate that reputation and see that it impacts potential customers as well as current ones. This ties directly into the need for more advertising, which will increase our exposure and establishment within the area. Establishment of course connects with the concept of community involvement. Our continued participation in local school programs and event hosting for Non-Profit Organizations affects both our reputation and the degree of our exposure.

2.0 Company Summary

[COMPANY NAME] is a 40 lane bowling center with a bar and café that was built in 1979 by Tropicana Inc. One of the partners of [COMPANY NAME], [NAME], split from the group in 1986 and retained ownership of [COMPANY NAME] under the corporate name of [COMPANY NAME], Inc. [NAME]went on the payroll of [COMPANY NAME] in 1984 as a certified Brunswick pinsetter mechanic. In 1989 he left full time work at the center to pursue a full time career in the printing industry. In 2003 [NAME] opened his own print shop, [COMPANY NAME], but all throughout the years remained on the payroll of [COMPANY NAME] as a part time, on call, backup mechanic so the full time crew could take vacations.

In mid-2006 [NAME] was approached by [NAME] to discuss selling the center to him. Making this proposal to [NAME] was a natural fit. [NAME]'s step father [NAME], had owned several centers in [CITY] and the surrounding area over the years and [NAME] was confident that [NAME] knew the industry well. [NAME], together with his wife [NAME], decided to pursue the opportunity. [NAME], like [NAME], had grown up in bowling centers and knew the industry very well. She was working as Production Manager for a digital imaging company when this opportunity arose and had over 15 years management experience. Together they decided that everything they had done in their lives had led them to this opportunity.

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