Business Plan Templates

Social Media Manager Pack

Social Media Manager Pack

Social Media Manager's Printables Pack

Curated from among the free and paid, premium printables at the 100-plus sites, these forms, trackers, and other items were specially selected to help with planning and providing content on social media platforms.
This collection of 25 printables from is handy for anyone who needs to prepare and track regular content posts and updates. There are also templates drawn from,,, and
This document contains a rundown of what you'll find in this Social Media Manager's Printables Pack. When both a PDF and DOC (Microsoft Word) or XLS (Microsoft Excel) version are available, all versions have been included. You can customize and print these items as many times as you'd like for your own personal use.


From a business card to networking and media contacts, these forms help maintain contact with helpful outside sources. There is also a planner for meetings with either clients or supervisors for social media content.


Freelance social media managers and bloggers can use the printable invoice, but there are also sample contracts, job descriptions, and interview questions.


Keep track of passwords, website traffic, and expenses with these organizational forms that keep data and information in order.


These checklists, planners, to do lists, assignment trackers, and calendars help organize daily and weekly blog posts, social media posts, and website announcements.

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